HIPAA and the New Rules Regarding Reproductive Health Care

Recorded Webinar
Time: 01 : 00 PM EST |
From: Sep 17, 2024 - To: Dec 31, 2024
60 Minutes
Mark R. Brengelman
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This webinar starts with some basic HIPAA privacy requirements and then diverts to initiate an introduction to a review of the law enforcement exceptions that allow state civil investigative agencies and criminal prosecutors to exploit HIPAA rules for various law enforcement purposes to obtain medical records of abortion.

The federal government has now tightened these law enforcement exception loopholes and resolved various conflict of laws issues between the states – where one state may outlaw abortion and the other state may allow it.  Can one travel back and forth for abortion care?

Attendees should have a basic understanding of HIPAA and how state agencies and law enforcement investigate for alleged violations of law, which now include a woman’s right to choose in states where abortion is illegal.

In the post-Roe vs. Wade healthcare world, healthcare practitioners must understand how HIPAA privacy applies to their medical records of abortion, as well as the law enforcement exceptions which may swallow the rule.

Attempting to close these loopholes, new federal HIPAA protections are in place for medical records regarding reproductive health care, including abortion.

Learning Objectives:-

  • The basics of HIPAA privacy requirements
  • An introduction to exceptions to HIPAA privacy for law enforcement purposes for civil and criminal matters
  • State authority of licensure boards and agencies to exploit HIPAA exceptions against health care practitioners under investigation regarding abortion
  • Applicable implementation dates you need to know
  • Change in definitions
  • Prohibition and Rule of Applicability
  • Presumptions made – rebuttable or not?
  • Attestations required
  • Update to notices of privacy practices
  • Disclosures for law enforcement purposes – how this changes everything


This intermediate webinar covers HIPAA confidentiality for medical records, specifically ones that involve abortion as health care and reproductive health care.

Why Should You Attend:-

Erase the fear, uncertainty, and doubt about what the new federal HIPAA rule does or does not allow.

Who will Benefit:-

Healthcare attorneys; corporate compliance officers in health care; medical records staff of medical offices and healthcare entities; hospital attorneys; health care practitioners who are covered entities; law enforcement officers in health care compliance; state boards and agencies with jurisdiction over state licenses to practice a health care profession.

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